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Products / Thunderbirds Amazing Mystery Box

Thunderbirds Amazing Mystery Box


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Product Description

For generations Thunderbirds was the must watch show for those with a science fiction leaning.

Full of wonderful characters and spacecrafts, Gerry Anderson's creativity seemed vastly futuristic, yet much of what he dreamed of is today's reality.

This box is the perfect way to revel in his vision of the future with no fewer than 8 different items included for just £24.99.

Star of the show is the Alarm clock which will wake you up to the Classic 5-4-3-2-1- Launch Countdown. There's a Faux Leather gadget bag, wallet, notebook, gin cup and several other official licensed collectables also crammed in, providing our usual sensational value for money.

You don't need Brains to tell you this is simply Fab!

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